Monday, December 05, 2005

author's note

I told you I would get back to the stories.
This story is actually a prequel to a novel I am working on called The Fanatic. Johnny Cramblit is an important character in that book. A little note about the content: the story is written from the point of view of a man who has bought into the ideals presented by the so-called Enlightened Society. His views of Christianity and religion in general have been molded by that education and "are not necessarily the views of this author". The story will probably have two or three more parts so that the history of this future world (which has existed only in my jumbled mind for three years) can be further explored and explained.
This isn't an end times story exactly. Joshua Lewis is not the anti-christ, nor does he represent him. Personally, I believe that if you look through history, you will see what I like to refer to as sort of dress rehearsals for the end times where Satan is working out his kinks and figuring out exactly how he will end up taking over the world. This is not scriptural and I would never teach it as doctrine, it is simply an opinion. Maybe men like Julius Caesar, and more recently Adolf Hitler, are just practice runs for what the real antichrist will look like. According to this theory, which again is just a wild imagining of an aspiring writer, I have created Joshua Lewis, who according to the time line I have worked out in my mind, may be the last practice run before the real thing. Yeah, I know that in my story the world has been united and Christianity outlawed, but neither of those things is a new concept. A united earth has been the dream of countless world leaders, though most of these sought to bring it about by conquering the whole planet, and Christianity has been against the law in parts of the world since its beginning 2000 years ago (before then, actually- read John chapter 9).
I hope you enjoy this story. If you like it, recommend this site to a friend or two!
God Bless,


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