Friday, December 09, 2005

yet another

author's note:
Just a short note about this story...
There is a point where a character in this story uses profanity. I edited it, the literary equivalent of a bleep, because this is a Christian oriented site, even though there is precedent for mild profanity in Christian writings. C.S. Lewis used some in his space trilogy and he is still considered one of the greatest modern Christian writers. Bodie Theone also uses it rarely. But I chose to edit it rather than use the word in its entirety so as not to offend anyone. I could have gotten around it another way. Frank Peretti is pretty good at that, once saying that a character "muttered something about the sanctity of manure." Clever, funny even, but I think most Christians are mature enough to see the words. They hear them everyday in the real world anyway. I hope I didn't offend anybody!
Enough about that. I wrote this story because I wanted to continue the story of Johnny. There will be more of these soon, probably four or five parts, and then I'll probably do another dragon slayer story, so keep checking. Also, since my friend Wanderer was so interested, I felt obligated to continue it. Can you see where it's headed yet? I even named a character after him to keep him happy. And finally, I did it so I could prove that I can still write. I recently submitted a short story for publication to a magazine and it was rejected. For about five seconds my feelings were hurt and I felt like quitting, but that's just dumb. I guess I'm official now, I've gotten my first rejection. Second actually. "There is no Dragon" was rejected by an online magazine because they were looking for Christmas stories. I don't know if that counts. But I wrote this story after the rejection letter. So please tell me you like it or I really will quit! Just kidding.
Anyway, hope you like it. Look for part three in about a week!
God Bless,


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