Friday, May 05, 2006

Just a small one. If anyone besides Wanderer reads the comments, they will see his comments to me on the first part of the story. While those comments were all very interesting, and thought provoking, as well as the exact things that he knows push my buttons and get me going on one of my rants he so loves to tear apart, I decided to simply let the story play itself out over the coming weeks and see how many of his questions can be answered that way. After all, this story is here partly because of those very same questions. Hopefully, Steve, and everyone else curious, the answers to your queries will show up in the story before its conclusion. When I type the words "The End" on this one, I fully expect that to be the beginning of another one of our famous discussions. Until then, keep commenting, and keep asking. The story is far from over, even in my handwritten draft from which I am typing this. Who knows? One of your questions could end up leading this thing in a direction I cannot now foresee.
God Bless, Arthur B Roberts
Part Three to be posted soon, but I am going to be extremely busy for the next few weeks, so, as usual, no promises.


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